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Board of Health Minutes 01/07/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s

Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
Chilmark Town Hall
4:30 pm

Present:    Katie Carroll, Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:  Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering, Inc.), Marina Lent (BOH Secretary)

Minutes of December 17th adopted with amendments.

CCC PWS 406 2006:  The Chilmark Community Center tested positive for total coliform following a routine water sampling on December 18, 2008.  We received notification via Alan Wilder, who called the Wampanoag Environmental Testing Lab on January 6th to request results.  BOH members recalled that the well casing was decapitated a while back; it may need to be addressed if it is now causing contamination.  Marina will speak to John Clarke about the well.  Marina will notify CCC and Library, if necessary.

BOH fee schedule:  no swimming pool fee needed, no changes in existing fee structure.  Marina will read regulations to confirm that the BOH is not involved in approving/permitting/inspecting the swimming pools in Chilmark.

Perc Season:  Perc Season is now open.  The BOH requested that engineers contact Marina to schedule perc tests, which will be monitored by Liz Gude.  Marina will also record Town Hall well depth at Perc Season opening.

Beach Plum Inn (21-70):  Chris Alley presented a plan outlining the proposed conversion of a current one-bedroom facility with laundry to a two-bedroom dwelling.  The laundry operation will be moved to a different septic system.

The proposed change meets the 1995 Title 5 requirements.  The septic system serving the proposed two-bedroom dwelling has a 1,500 gallon tank.  The BOS requested a septic system inspection, a copy of the most recent Public Water System report to the Department of Environmental Protection with water test results, and confirmation that permitted seating capacity is 80, rather than 85.  

Doug Cooper Inspection fees:  Fees for inspections by Doug Cooper paid by the Town will have to be discussed. How to manage these inspections will have to be worked out in a way that is fair to everyone. If the inspections cost the Town as much as the Disposal Works Permit brings in, that won’t work. Maybe costs can be shared between the Town and Vineyard Land Surveying.  Alternatively, Mike Renahan suggested that Mr. Higgins could be licensed as an installer, and then Reid Silva can inspect, while Mr. Higgins installs. The parties decided they will reconsider the question and come up with an equitable solution.

Septage Hauler and Disposal Works Permit Renewal Mailings:  approved by the BOH and ready to go out.

Food Establishment Permit Renewal Mailing:  Marina will work with Tim Carroll and Fire Chief David Norton to include reference to Common Victualler’s/Innkeeper’s license issued by the Board of Selectmen and Fire Safety Inspections to be done by the Fire Department; however, the mailing is not to be unduly delayed by these additions.

Training:  Marina will do the ServSafe test in Hyannis on January 12th, and the Drinking Water Operator test in Framingham on January 28th.

The Soil Evaluator class in the spring in central Massachusetts may be an option; otherwise, Marina will take the class in the fall in southeastern Massachusetts.  Marina will keep the BOH informed of the date/place for the classes as soon as these have been established by the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission.

Martha’s Vineyard Refuse District:  Marina presented a draft letter to Chilmark BOH representatives Frank Fenner and Alex Preston, with cc to Don Hatch, regarding BOH interest in the ongoing discussions on the possible expansion of the MVRD, and specifying that the BOH is to be kept abreast of any developments prior to decisions being taken.

Mike Renahan voiced his concerns about Oak Bluffs and Vineyard Haven rejoining the District without bringing something to the table.  They are apparently bringing money to buy a lot, but he was not sure whether it is the same lot that the District already has the option to buy.  He suggested that OB/VH bring their building with them, the one used in OB right now.  He noted that it had cost the other towns a lot of money to address OB/VH’s departure, and, while it may turn out to be for the best to have them rejoin the District, it is important that everything be discussed.  It should also be noted that we could cut our refuse bill in half by leaving the district ourselves and going on our own.  Whether we do that or not is another story.

BOH approved and signed the draft letter to the Chilmark MVRD representatives.

FY 2010 Budget:  re: waste collection, Mike noted that Chilmark pays 12% while West Tisbury pays 15%, which does not seem proportional to population and actual services rendered. Edgartown pays nearly 70%.  These apportionments will have to be reviewed in the future, certainly when and if the District is rejoined by the other two towns.

Other line items were reviewed.  VNA estimated 5% increase is estimate only.  BOH will need a draft contract in good time before renewal on July 1st.

Marina was asked to clarify with Tom what we have left in each line item.  Mike Renahan emphasized that our budget cannot be completely definitive, because we only have estimates from VNA and MVRD, and we do not yet know whether Marina will attend the Soil Evaluator class in the fall or the spring.

KI Distribution, Feb 18th: The State has ordered health agents to distribute the KI made available to them three years ago.  Marina will write up a package insert stressing the warnings about taking this medication without due cause.

-       online Food Safety course: $178;  
-       VNA:  $510;
-       Doug Cooper 27.1-31 $142.50
-       MVRD  SEMASS MSW  $9.60
-       MVRD SEMASS-MSW  $1,898.80
-       Wampanoag Enviro Lab (PWS testing)  $60.00

-       SB&H inspection of East House LLC (32-64 & 73) waiting on pump/alarm installation
-       Invite for Bids: Menemsha Comfort Station and area cleaning

The meeting adjourned at 6:35pm.

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

These minutes have been transcribed from a tape.  The tape is on file and available for perusal.